Babies With Rabies
Hailing from the nation’s fractured capital, with its history of politics and punk, Babies with Rabies’ fiery album Way to Go Mom is filled with urgent and anthemic songs. From "Dead to Rights," a track about who thinks who has control to “Let’s Get Out of Here,” a track about taking control, their tunes burn forcefully and swing hard in the style of punk past.
No song ever hits you on the nose which keeps things interesting. “Fake Out” and “Has Been” point out and embrace flaws and contradictions, “Jet Setter” may reflect a desire for or a rejection of extravagance, and “Another Day,” “The Bottom,” “Unlucky Star,” and “Apologies” are about holding on, giving up, or doing a little bit of both.
The band lacks pretension, embraces being smart without being smarmy, and keeps their tunes stripped-down and level-headed. If you are looking for straight-ahead punk rock and roll, you will find it in Babies with Rabies’ Way to Go Mom.