Violent By Nature
Wielding an incendiary metallic hardcore onslaught, with one foot stepping back into the splattercore vibe of the Accused, mixed with the grinding intensity of the modern era, Violent By Nature's single WW3 is an earful of dread, pain, protest, and anger. With machine-gun rattle drum barrages, mountains-on-fire guitar wrangling, and brutally charred vocals, they seem to shake the Earth's epicenter. And all of this is matched by the dark, cynical, apocalyptic lyrics, fitting for time of deep trouble and conflagration, whether the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa, and beyond. The end of history is near, they bark, which will be all-consuming. But an inference exists, too: we can undo this path, if we don't let panic and paranoia subsume us. We don't have to remain victims.